Oh my, Oh my! It has been a long time and I want to personally apologize for my Mom. She said she was going to do better keeping everyone updated, but you can see that it has been 3 months since the last post. SO SORRY!!
Well, it has been 3 months and I am growing to be such a BIG Boy! So I guess I should start where we left off!
To begin, I got the hang of crawling very fast. The last post we did was just before the 4th of July and I was getting up on all fours, but it only took the weekend and man was I moving along. I started crawling and ever since I have been non stop! I can explore like never before. We celebrated Mom's birthday on July 4th in Hartley. Both
families got together and we had a big shindig; it was so much fun we played all day outside in the backyard.
My favorite place was the trampoline. We need one of those things at our house!
It was not too long after I started crawling did I decide to start pulling up on things and standing! Mom has her hands full now because I am in everything; and I tell you I am a speed crawler!
Almost there...I am on my way to the feet, standing! But, as long as you are there waiting for me to do it; too bad! I will stand as soon as you turn that camera off!
There is something about hard floors, I don't like my knees touching!
See if you can catch me!?!
I think my car needs a tune up!
At the end of July we took our first family vacation. We
started by going to Boulder, Colorado with Uncle Jason and Aunt Tracy. This was the first Promise Keepers to ever invite the wives! It was a fun trip.
My first time in the Pool! The water was extremely cold so I did not get to stay in very long, but I know if I had the chance I would love the swimming pool!
There was a Starbucks on the way to Folsom Field so we just had to stop everyday; Mom and Aunt Tracy had to get their fix!!

Promise Keepers was at Folsom Field and on Friday night it was cold! Friday night was cut short because it started to rain, thunder and lightening.
We were in Boulder for the weekend and then for the next week we went to Red River. Mom and Dad say this is their favorite place! I would have to agree, we had so much fun! MaMaw, PaPaw, Hank and Hannah were there camping out and then Granny, Uncle Josh, Aunt Julie and Abigayle came for the following weekend! During the week we just hung out and did not much at all. Relax, Relax and Relax was all we did. We went to the camp site to see MaMaw and PaPaw, Hank and Hannah everyday! Mom and Dad saved walking the town until Granny and Aunt Julie got there. We know Granny loves to walk the town so we wanted to wait and share that fun time with her!
Playing in the Dirt!! This was FUN FUN FUN!
Eating Rocks, Yummy! Yes, I love being a little boy!
Just hanging out with PaPaw by the River!
Oh yeah, we also all went to the park and played!
I got the hang of this, I think next year I will try rock climbing for real :)
Me and Mom going down the slide. This one was way too fast for me to go down by myself!
Oh and yes I have to eat everything! This was pretty tasty!
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