August and September was full of me getting better and better at crawling and standing. I am so close to walking, but just not ready yet! These two months were full of lots of changes with our family. Daddy and Mommy have decided to follow the Lord and go out on their own to open a Chiropractic Office. We were running an office for another doc in town, but their is no more ignoring the fact that we are suppose to be working for the Lord and going out on our own to serve the community of Amarillo and surrounding areas. Please keep us in your prayers as we are going through the process of getting approved for a business loan and finding the perfect place for our new office, Vitality Chiropractic! Praise the Lord!
During this time I have also come very familiar with teeth. I went from not having any teeth to having 6 teeth! The bottom middle two came in first and then all four top teeth decided to come in at once! I have learned many new tricks. I have lots of fun sounds that come out of my mouth. I can say DaDa, MaMa, Bye Bye, Na Na, and just the other day Mom and Dad believe that I said Ball! Maybe I did and maybe I didn't? I can clap my hands and wave bye bye!
Mom did not do a very good job, there are not really any pictures during these months :(
Oh but wait, there is the Mohawk picture!

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