My First Christmas was so much fun, Happy Birthday Jesus.
I got to see all my family and catch up! We spent Christmas Eve with MaMoo and PaPaw, Grandma Nona, Hank, Hannah, Josh, Julie & Abi!
We had lots of good food (Yummy :p), good fellowship and good play time.
On Christmas Day Mommy, Daddy and I spent the day at home. We spent some good time together and opened up a couple of gifts from Santa Clause. On New Years Day we spent the day with Granny (I Love You), Grandmother, Josh, Julie, Abi, Jason, Tracy, Kaylee, Colten, and Cambree! We had a Great day! Started with cinnamon rolls from Barb, then gift giving time, next was some good food for lunch and then games, games, and more games. Even though I was fighting teeth problems and slept most of the day, when I was awake I was having fun :)

I am just so Excited! (and a little cross-eyed)

Thanks for the help Abi, I didn't quite understand the entire point of putting toys in a box and making me work for them.


One small piece at a time.

I will eventually get there.

Really? Camo pants, just what I have always wanted.

And jeans, I've always wanted jeans too :)

Here we go again with all the wrapping paper.

OH OH, I see something good!

Wow! A bag of balls, I am going to be making a huge mess with this gift. I can't wait.
Open, Open, Open!