Monday, January 25, 2010

My First Haircut

Oh Wow was my hair getting bushy and long! Finally Mommy decided to get me a haircut. This all went down on Tuesday January 19th at 10:00am. I was such a big boy. Micah had a booster seat for me to sit in and then she put an apron thing around my had penguins all over it! I sat up tall in the booster seat and I sat still while she was cutting my hair. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me. I love being a big boy!

Before it all started.
Here we go!

Thank you very much Micah!! I love it!

Drive Time

I was just hanging out with Daddy this afternoon and thought I would go for a drive. His car is just my size! :) HA!HA! Promise I am not making fun!

Entertainment Time

I love to play the guitar, sing and, I decided I would just do all three of these things at the same time. Why Not, Right? Mom and Dad sure thought I was being cute!

Friday, January 22, 2010

My First Birthday 12-26-09

Look at all the Balloons - Wow!

Hold On! I see that cake and I know it is MINE, ALL MINE!

Happy Birthday to me! Just wondering why everyone is singing and staring at me?!?
Please Please Hurry Up!
Now that the cake is in front of me I am not quite sure where to start?
This is pretty good :p
Oh My, it is just too much! :)
This is good stuff, watch out Mom I am just getting started!
So Fun!
I am the cutest 1 year old ever!
I think I probably made a pretty good mess. I had to take a bath in order to get all the cake and icing out of my rolls. I had so much fun stuffing the cake in my face. Daddy has been telling me about this day, and my goodness was he right; This was FUN!
Thanks to all my family and friends for sharing this fun time with me.
I am now the BIG ONE! I guess that means I am ONE big boy now!

Christmas & Hodge is 1

Christmas 2009

My First Christmas was so much fun, Happy Birthday Jesus.
I got to see all my family and catch up! We spent Christmas Eve with MaMoo and PaPaw, Grandma Nona, Hank, Hannah, Josh, Julie & Abi!
We had lots of good food (Yummy :p), good fellowship and good play time.
On Christmas Day Mommy, Daddy and I spent the day at home. We spent some good time together and opened up a couple of gifts from Santa Clause. On New Years Day we spent the day with Granny (I Love You), Grandmother, Josh, Julie, Abi, Jason, Tracy, Kaylee, Colten, and Cambree! We had a Great day! Started with cinnamon rolls from Barb, then gift giving time, next was some good food for lunch and then games, games, and more games. Even though I was fighting teeth problems and slept most of the day, when I was awake I was having fun :)
I am just so Excited! (and a little cross-eyed)

Thanks for the help Abi, I didn't quite understand the entire point of putting toys in a box and making me work for them.


One small piece at a time.

I will eventually get there.

Really? Camo pants, just what I have always wanted.
And jeans, I've always wanted jeans too :)

Here we go again with all the wrapping paper.
OH OH, I see something good!
Wow! A bag of balls, I am going to be making a huge mess with this gift. I can't wait.
Open, Open, Open!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Learning to Walk

It was November 12th 2009 when I took my first steps. I took 3 steps all by myself! Yippee :)
Of course I started out pretty wobbly and yes you had to bribe me to take steps, but I was doing it. I finally figured out that I could move just as fast walking as I could crawling. Actually, I figured out that I could get into so many more things if I am walking all over the place. It only took about 2 weeks and I was moving and grooving.
Here are a couple of videos from when I was first learning.

Randomness in November 09

I can sleep in many different positions, but you put me in my crib and no sleepy time for me! I don't really know why I do this, maybe I just like to be difficult :)

Me and Daddy hanging out before bedtime!
This is my favorite spot for a nap, awww the couch!

So comfortable, once again no sleepy time in my crib! I just love the comfort of knowing Mommy and Daddy are right next to me. Maybe I will grow up and sleep like a big boy when I am One.

Now, Mom maybe is my favorite place to sleep.

Just Playing

Halloween Costume

We don't celebrate halloween in our house, but Mom saw this outfit at Old Navy and thought it was perfect since Daddy is a chiropractor! Good thing I did not have to wear this more than one day because it was a little snug!

Watching Colten and Cambree play soccer!
Go Team Go!