Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5 Months Old

I am 5 months old today!  Every month I can't believe how much more I learn and how much more I grow.  We have so much fun together; we laugh and play all the time.  Mom and Dad tell me stories, sing me songs, teach me new tricks, tell me they love me and pray with me everyday.  At 5 months I weigh 17lbs 8.4oz and measure 28inches long  - I am officially a very healthy baby boy!

Memorial Day 2009

Off to Granny's house we go for Memorial Day.  It was a beautiful day so we had a cook out and played outside.  I love being outside.  
I can sit up tall and play all by myself too.  It was just about a week and a half ago when I started learning to sit up and I have already learned to do it!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Road Trip to Albuquerque

Here we are off to Albuquerque for Uncle Brooks and Ashley's wedding.  I just love road trips. 
We are on the road.  Dad and Uncle Hank in the front and....
Mom and Trista in the back with me.  Trista is Uncle Hank's girlfriend and man do I like her! She is amazing and sooooooo much fun.  She took good care of me over the weekend.  I think we are new best friends!  :)
We made it to our Hotel and we are just taking a little break before heading to the rehearsal and dinner.
It is Saturday May 23rd and Brooks and Ashley are getting married this afternoon at 3:00pm.  Here is Dad and Uncle Hank getting dressed for the wedding.  Hank is the best man and dad is a groomsman.  These two are also singing a song.  I can't wait to here them sing together.  I just know it is going to be GREAT!  Oh by the way, Dad is so excited...he gets to wear suspenders.  I love you Brooks and Ashley and now I can call Ashley, "Aunt Ashley"

The Wedding

Mom and Dad all dolled up!  Aren't they the cutest!!

Hank and Trista

The Wedding Party

I took turns playing with MaMaw and PaPaw during the day.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Rolling Over

I decided to roll over today.  Here I am playing in my crib on my tummy and I wanted to be on back so I could see my mobile.  I remembered all those times Mom wanted me and would help me to roll over, and I decided here I go I will do it all by myself.  First I am on my tummy and then my back and then again on my tummy.  How fun is this!  I am on the move!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Learning to Sit Up!

On Monday, May 11th Dad was sitting me on the front desk at work and he let go and guess what; I sat up tall all by myself.  So, now Mom has decided to go ahead and let me learn to sit up.  I am not quite strong enough to sit up tall without a little bit of help yet, but I can sit, lean over and keep my balance for a long time!  I love to be up and looking around.  There is so much more to see!  I am still working on rolling over.  I completely have the capabilities of rolling over I just don't want to do it!  I think I will pick the order of learning to do things instead of Mom picking for me.  Love You Mom :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Look at this Tongue!

Look at this thing in my mouth!  My tongue is the coolest thing ever.  It is a pretty fun thing to play with.  I can do so many tricks with this thing in my mouth.  Since I don't have any teeth to show Mom when she tells me to smile for the camera I will just show her my tongue. 

My outfit is pretty cool today!  I love the plaid shorts Mom! and Granny I love the shirt.  I just wish I had a way to get to your house to get some extra spoiling!!

Me and Dad

Me and Dad doing what we do best.  Sleep!  Mom says that her boys love their sleep :) 

Me and Mom

Here we are Me and Mom.  Mom decided she better get some laundry done so we would have something to wear.  She gets a little behind sometimes!  I didn't want to be playing in the floor by myself so Mom decided to let me help with the laundry.  I do a pretty good job with not letting the laundry fall out of the basket and I think the extra wrinkles that I put in the clothes are a good look!